Chilipepper pump CP6000

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Publisher By Chilipepper. Chilipepper CP6000 re-circulating pump. From the time the hot water tap is turned on, to the time hot water actually arrives, thousands of gallons are wasted down the drain. Chilipepper eliminates water waste and saves time by recirculating the initial cool water back through your existing cold water line. When the water at your tap is the desired temperature, the Chilipepper turns itself off- no waste. Chilipepper is compatible with all modern hot water systems, including tankless . Chilipepper costs about $2 per year to run. The Chilipepper instant hot water pump is a small powerful micro-processor controlled pump that installs under your sink. The brain of the Chilipepper is a tiny computer on a chip. The computer monitors the temper ..... Read More & See Full Information At

Chilipepper pump CP6000